Hey, friend!
I am so glad you're here, I mean it! This tiny piece of the internet can be summed up as my "passion project."
Do you ever have that little bug in your head about someone you want to be, something you're so excited about that you want to share with others, or even... maybe just an experience you feel others could benefit from? What about a place to belong?
The answer, for me, in all of those questions is a resounding "yes, totally...yes." I want to be the educator you run to and ask questions. I deeply desire to share the magic of essential oils and natural products. I want to see and be a part of your life changing for the better.
I don't live a life of total extremes and elaborations that may grab attention of readers and followers all over the globe, but that's so okay with me. I consider the life I have been given and created to be pretty extraordinary in it's own way. I've got real, relate-able human stories to tell and life lessons learned along the way, and I frequently share them on the blog.
I'm also fully vested in the idea that if you're reading this, it's for a purpose. Somehow, someway...you're here. Slightly interested? Insanely interested? Heard from a friend? Want to know more about the in's- and-out's of this lifestyle? Have absolutely no idea the click-path that got you to this in the rabbit hole of the internet? GREAT! All great reasons, because again...you're meant to be here so from my heart to yours, welcome!
How I got started is much like how anyone else starts something new: you get introduced to it, ponder and think on it for a while, outweigh the pro's and con's, and eventually decide to go for it...or not. In this case, I obviously went for it. Here's how:
I had reached my breaking point with debilitating migraines, stress, and anxiety. I was over making sure I always had medicine on me in case a migraine surfaced, adding to my to-do list and stressing out over it, and avoiding opportunities because anxiety would rear it's head. So, I got serious about finding a root cause instead of managing the symptoms. What I not-so brilliantly self-diagnosed with was 5 pages of various environmental, physical, mental, and emotional, and dietary factors that might contribute. *ugh, thanks internet* I didn't find my end-all-be-all answer...
That same week, I got invited to an "essential oils 101" class (by my now mother-in-law! I told you, there's a greater purpose than you may realize). Now, this wasn't your typical "I'm going to stand up here and talk to you about something and then you're going to feel obligated to buy it" kind of gig. Nope, not at all. It was an educational, functional, really eye-opening class. She talked about things like: how to reduce your toxic load, looking out for sneaky harmful products, the power and benefits of essential oils, the importance of reading labels, and how far off track we as a society have gotten with proper nutrition. This was radically different than my initial experience with essential oils, which you can read and laugh about here.
As a natural born and proven skeptic, I thought "this woman is crazy" (Sorry, Rox!)
But then, as the pondering process set in, I began to think about what I had found in my own research. Remember: environmental, physical, mental, emotional, and dietary factors are what I found... so on second thought, maybe there was something to what she was saying. This is the part in the story where I decided I had nothing to loose, and went for it.
Within weeks, I found myself acting like a sponge; I was absorbing all the information I could, immersing myself in the heart of the doTERRA community, and radically shifting my thought process.
What I discovered made me mad. I was angry that grocers and big food companies have un-appolgetically and shamelessly tricked us away from real and wholesome fuel for our bodies. What we get now is mass produced & genetically modified (GMO) food with fillers and plastics. I was furious that certain foods banned in other countries are sold on the shelves here at home. I was shocked that what I thought was "healthy" and "okay to use" were neither healthy or ok. Matter of fact, some of the products I had around my house are directly related to the rise of illness and disease in our nation. Things like candles, perfume, cleaning products, detergents, medicines, pantry snacks, beauty products, bath and shower goodies, and skincare lotions.
I was exhausted with the trickery, and as much as I would love to demand better to begin with from providers of these modern conveniences, I've come to the conclusion that what I actually can, and will, control is knowing and doing better. With doTERRA, I am surrounded by like-minded individuals who believe the same. I have an overwhelming amount gratitude for the gift of friendship and belonging that I have found. We're also really friendly, and love making friends so if you want to join us, we're ready to have you in our circle!
I think most of naturally fall into habits from our surroundings and with our ears, not necessarily from doing the research first. The extra step of knowing instead of assuming can be your difference. So here I am, on a mission to educate the change.
Someone shared the light with me, and so I pass it on to you!
Our bodies aren't meant to digest plastics.
You are worth more than the harmful effects of fragrance.
Don't spend your money just to spend more later on treatments for side-effects.
I hope you find within these pages the hope you desire, the answers you seek, and the empowerment you deserve.
Above all, I hope to be that for you!